Answer by Dov for Is it all Leah's doing?
Yes it's explicit in a midrash in Bereishis Rabbah 70:16:וְהָיְתָהבּוֹכָהוְאוֹמֶרֶתיְהִירָצוֹןשֶׁלֹאאֶפֹּלבְּגוֹרָלוֹשֶׁלרָשָׁע. אָמַררַבהוּנָאקָשָׁההִיאהַתְּפִלָּהשֶׁבִּטְלָהאֶתהַגְּזֵרָה,...
View ArticleAnswer by Dov for Are there any Torah sources for raising children with a...
There's a lot to say about the relationship to Torah that a grandfather has to his grandchild...A grandfather is obligated to play a role in educating his grandson in Torah study. The Gemara in...
View ArticleComment by Dov on Is there any time or situation when a father revokes a...
@shayachagigah - so mention that then to provide greater context...
View ArticleComment by Dov on Are there any responsa on a shul changing davening time on...
What's the problem? If people have time off from work why can't they have a lie in with their shul having a later minyan?
View ArticleComment by Dov on Who was the Rabbi Of Rabbi Yitzchak Kanpanton?
According to the excerpt here - taken from Artscroll's Early Acharonim, not much of his earlier life is known. We only really know his talmidim and his...
View ArticleComment by Dov on An Amazon seller offered me a gift card if I left a 5-star...
@Yihezkel you should edit this question so it reads more generically, as at the moment it is phrased in a way that is asking for a psak which is against the terms of the MY and is likely to be closed.
View ArticleComment by Dov on Gold leaves in Halacha
This company has a hashgocho -
View ArticleComment by Dov on Was Bar Kochva disemboweled?
do you not mean Rav Yerucham Levovitz as opposed to Leibowitz?
View ArticleAnswer by Dov for Jerusalem Sand at a Burial
The Rema in Yoreh Deah 363:1 writes:ישנוהגיןלתתמעפרא"יבקבר (א"ז) (וישלמנהגזהעלמהשיסמוכו) (מדרשתנחומאפ'ויחי)Some have the custom to place some earth from the Land of Israel in the grave (Refer to the Or...
View ArticleAnswer by Dov for Is there a master list(s) of Middot?
The Sefer Orchos Tzaddikim a sefer which specifically discusses middos improvement, speaks about the following character traits:גאוה - Pride/Arroganceענוה - Humilityבושה - Shameעזות - Brazennessאהבה -...
View ArticleAnswer by Dov for What's with Rus sleeping over with Boaz?
Ok so here are some answers some from me and many based on Rav Yosef Deutsch's Let me join your nation (Feldheim):The reason Rus went at night specifically was because it was a given that Boaz would be...
View ArticleComment by Dov on Solomon, Egypt & Rome, Sheba?
This is hard to answer? What exact answer are you seeking? If another empire or the like emerged from his union with the Queen of Sheba?
View ArticleComment by Dov on Kosher Animal Slaughter: The Throat
No problem @RyanPierceWilliams! If you feel it answers your question, feel free to click the checkmark :-)
View ArticleComment by Dov on Story about Rav Feinstein and Schnitzel
Welcome @Yankel thank you for learning with us. Just FYI whilst this is a relevant point, it does not actually answer the question and may well get moved to a comment.
View ArticleComment by Dov on Where was Noach from? Where was the teivah built?
"I am struggling to find any indication of where Noach was from" - are you asking only geographically or historically as well?
View ArticleComment by Dov on Looking for lecture(s) on the topic of "Quantum physics and...
Is it this? -
View ArticleAnswer by Dov for The minhag to read chapter 119 in Tehilim in Chanuka...
Rabbi Elimelech Biderman shlita mentions it in this week's edition of his Torah Wellspring - Parshas Vayeishev 5874which as at January 2025 can now be found here. On p.15 he writes that some say...
View ArticleAnswer by Dov for Are there seforim printed by North African Sefardi achronim...
There are several.Rav Moshe Kalfon HaKohen (1874-1950) - Born in Djerba, Tunisia. Most famous for his Shu"t Shoel VeNishaal and series on Shulchan Aruch entitled BritKehunahChacham Avraham Belais...
View ArticleAnswer by Dov for Looking for lecture(s) on the topic of "Quantum physics and...
As noted in my comment above, the lecture you are after is potentially this one here.In addition it is worth noting that Rabbi Ginsburgh has a book entitled Lectures on Torah and Modern Physics (The...
View ArticleAnswer by Dov for Orientation of Haman's Sons' Beam
Rashi seems to suggest that is was vertical:זקיפא - פורק"אבלעזבצדאחדזהלמטהמזהזקיפא - Forche in [old French]. On one side [of it], one below the other.Exploring this a little bit further, this topic...
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